The Daily Grind
Part 20: Factions Store - Rogue
by CmdrBond
Factions Store
Figure 203: Main Screen - Factions Store
Next up is the Rogue Faction Store located in the Factions section. You get to the Rogue Faction Store by clicking on the Factions button in the upper left of the main screen (Figure 203). In the Rogue Faction Store there are a multitude of valuable items that you can purchase but your access to them is dependent on your Rogue Reputation level (Figure 204). While the items that are most important will depend on you and your current circumstances, here are some items that I recommend looking at when you have access to them: Research Credits; Directives, Rep & Credit; Data to Directives; Exchange Heist Loot; and Outlaw Recruit (Figure 205 thru Figure 209).
The most import of these items, in my opinion, in regards to the Daily Grind is the Directives, Rep & Credit option (Figure 205). Within this option you can obtain Uncommon Eclipse Directives, Rare Eclipse Directives, Roque Credits, and Rogue Reputation. Uncommon and Rare Eclipse Directives are used to attack Uncommon and Rare Eclipse Armadas. If you defeat these Armadas, you will obtain Uncommon or Rare Exchange Vault Loot. This loot can then be used to purchase other items within the Rogue Faction Store. Rogue Credits are used to purchase other items within the Rogue Faction Store. Lastly, the Rogue Reputation points will increase your Rogue Reputation.
In order to claim the Directives, Rep & Credit option, you will need Eclipse Security Codes which are obtained by killing Eclipse hostiles. Even though you will want to claim this option daily, it is not necessary to kill Eclipse hostiles on a daily basis. However, you will need to kill them on some type of regular basis. This can be done once per week or every other week. You should also try to coordinate this activity with any event that requires killing Eclipse hostiles. This follows a strategy of Resource Management which will be discussed in a future article. Once claimed the reset timer for the Directives, Rep & Credit option is 22 hours (Figure 214).
The next most important item, in my opinion, in regards to the Daily Grind is the Data to Directives option (Figure 206). Within this option you can obtain Uncommon Eclipse Directives and Rare Eclipse Directives which are described above. Once claimed the reset timer for the Data to Directives option is 22 hours (Figure 215).
Research Credits are another important option to consider purchasing on a daily basis (Figure 205) at least for as long as you need them. The Outlaw Research credits are used to complete Outlaw Research (Figure 211). You will need Rogue Credits in order to purchase this option (Figure 212). Once claimed the reset timer for the Research Credits option is 22 hours (Figure 217). NOTE: You can choose between one, two, or three-chest options; but, beware the cost of these chests increase exponentially but the rewards do not (Figure 210). So, purchasing the one-chest option is the best choice.
The next most important item, in my opinion, in regards to the Daily Grind is the Outlaw Recruit option (Figure 207). Within this option you can obtain shards for the Outlaw Recruits. In order to claim one of the chest options (Figure 213) you will need Rogue Credits (Figure 212). One of the ways that you can obtain Rogue Credits is described above in the Directives, Rep & Credit option. NOTE: Some of these recruits are better than others which will be covered in another article. Figure 213 shows the officer shards that you can obtain through the Outlaw Recruits option. Once claimed the reset timer for the Outlaw Recruits option is 22 hours (Figure 216).
If you are still upgrading your Stella, you will need the Uncommon Uranium, Rare Uranium, and Epic Uranium options found in the Rogue Faction Store as these items are required to upgrade the Stella. To purchase these options you need Uncommon, Rare, and Epic Exchange Vault Loot respectively which is obtained by defeating Uncommon, Rare, or Epic Eclipse Armadas.
Although not a daily purchase, the Exchange Heist Loot is a good option to purchase (Figure 206). This will be covered in more detail in a future article. NOTE: What you see in the examples below may differ slightly from what you see in your Rogue Faction Store as the items available are based upon your Rogue Reputation Level.
Figure 204: Faction Store - Rogue |
Figure 205: Faction Store - Rogue Row #1 |
Figure 206: Faction Store - Rogue Row #2 |
Figure 207: Faction Store - Rogue Row #3 |
Figure 208: Faction Store - Rogue Row #4 |
Figure 209: Faction Store - Rogue Row #5 |
Figure 210: Faction Store - Rogue - Research Credits Claim |
Figure 211: Faction Store - Rogue - Research Credits Description |
Figure 212: Faction Store - Rogue - Rogue Credits Description |
Figure 213: Faction Store - Rogue - Outlaw Recruit - Claim |
Figure 214: Faction Store - Rogue - Reset Timer #1 |
Figure 215: Faction Store - Rogue - Reset Timer #2 |
Figure 216: Faction Store - Rogue - Reset Timer #3
Figure 217: Faction Store - Rogue - Reset Timer #4
Continue reading: The Daily Grind: Part 21
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